
Decentralized Democracy

Hon. Renée Dupuis: Honourable senators, in my opinion, the proposed amendment currently before us creates a situation that limits the government’s obligation to consult. The amendment states, and I quote:

 . . . consult with a variety of Indigenous governing bodies and a variety of Indigenous organizations in order to take into account the unique circumstances and needs of those Indigenous groups, communities and peoples.

I think it’s important to realize that the rights entrenched and recognized by section 35 require the government to do more than consult. They require the government to potentially change its plans, whether those plans are regulations, legislation or activities.

Furthermore, the legislation that we passed to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples imposes even more obligations on the Crown, given that it must develop plans, but in collaboration with Indigenous peoples. This means co-developing projects, activities and regulations.

Therefore, since recognized rights that create obligations for the Crown already exist in our legal system, I presume that we, as legislators, would not want to ultimately reduce the protection afforded by these rights by limiting ourselves, as proposed here, to consulting Indigenous peoples based on their constitutional rights in order to take their circumstances into account.

I am therefore unable to support this amendment.

Thank you.

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