
Decentralized Democracy

am Prosper

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
December 6, 2023
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Senator P.J. Prosper, Nova Scotia, land of the Mi’kmaq people.

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This is a general question for each of the witnesses. Thank you for appearing before our committee.

I’d like to get your insights, in practice, on the resources that are available to conduct assessments in terms of mental health or those who are in the system. From what I understand, if it’s dealt with by staff as opposed to a professional, and if in part it is a staff member within the facility, chances are that they might not have the appropriate expertise. The systems and processes which they use are largely ticks in a box — I don’t know a better way to say that. Can you give me a bit of insight on those assessments and the resources needed to address the issue?

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Do you have something to offer further to that?

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I was just thinking about some of the testimony from the previous panel, and I’m just curious about percentages with respect to the causal link between isolation and mental health-related issues and matters. I guess in a certain respect, I think the word used was “irreparable harm” and how it could increase or expedite or worsen pre-existing conditions. Then the question is, when these individuals get out, is it a situation where they re-enter back into the process?

I’m curious if you could provide comment, and this is for any of the witnesses, on that linkage of the availability of data that shows that link between isolation and increased harm in terms of pre-existing mental health conditions.

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