
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 336

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
September 16, 2024 11:00AM
  • Sep/16/24 2:38:34 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, this summer, after he argued that Atlantic Canadian home heating oil should be carbon taxed, carbon-tax-loving Mark Carney spent a lovely summer of whimsy having champers at the Royal Box at Wimbledon and rubbing shoulders at a swish cocktail party with a wealthy CEO, who yesterday, coincidentally, got millions of tax dollars. This is not someone who is in touch with the struggle of average Canadians, but neither is the Prime Minister. Did he push aside his now-phantom female cabinet minister because carbon-tax-loving Mark Carney could get him into fancier parties than she can?
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  • Sep/16/24 2:39:55 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, they are not even letting her answer the question anymore. At a time when so many people are struggling to make ends meet and pleading for someone to fix the budget, I am struggling to find a reason why the Prime Minister would put an out-of-touch elitist, active archpriest of carbon price profiteering, who has massive conflicts of interest, in charge of the federal budget while shunting aside his female cabinet minister. What a feminist. Why does the now-phantom finance minister have to get approval for Canada's fall economic statement from carbon tax conflict of interest Mark Carney?
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  • Sep/16/24 3:21:42 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order, and I seek unanimous consent to table this picture of the Minister of the Environment wearing an orange jumpsuit and handcuffs.
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  • Sep/16/24 3:23:16 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it is unparliamentary for other members to impugn the motives of other parliamentarians. In doing so with her speech, the parliamentary secretary just suggested that my colleague uttered a falsehood, which he did not because the Minister of the Environment was in fact arrested in—
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moved for leave to introduce Bill C-412, An Act to enact the Protection of Minors in the Digital Age Act and to amend the Criminal Code. She said: Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise and introduce this bill that would ensure that Canadians are protected online without infringing upon their civil liberties. Canadians are paying the price from a failure of the Liberals to provide necessary protection from online threats while they create costly censorship bureaucracies. This common sense legislation would modernize existing criminal offences to protect Canadians from harm as it occurs online with special provisions to protect minors. The bill would modernize the existing crime of criminal harassment to address the ease and anonymity of how it happens online, would provide mechanisms specifically designed to protect minors who are online and would update Canada's existing laws on the non-consensual distribution of intimate images to ensure that the non-consensual distribution of highly realistic intimate images created by artificial intelligence is criminalized, while preserving the existing provisions in current law about fair use. Canadians need a common sense approach to tackle criminal harassment online, while ensuring that their civil liberties are protected, and this bill would do just that.
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