
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 336

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
September 16, 2024 11:00AM
  • Sep/16/24 7:56:08 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I appreciate the kind opening remarks by my colleague from Winnipeg Centre. There is a lot I could say on this. The member and I have actually had side chats about it, because it is an important issue to solve or, at the bare minimum, make some progress on. It is desperately needed in Winnipeg on drug issues and the drug deaths we are seeing at an increasingly alarming rate, particularly in the last 10 years. I have told the member that I do have serious concerns about what I do not feel are safe injection sites, the crime that is happening around them and the vile drug dealers who take advantage of the people who feel they need to use these facilities. We are seeing those issues increase as these sites are opening. People go to where the vulnerable are to prey on them. I have an example that really hit home. This happened just last spring. I am sure many in the House will remember Karolina Huebner-Makurat, who was in her 40s and a young mom of two young children. She was walking down the street in a suburban Toronto area, and she was shot to death during a drug deal gone wrong. The drug dealers had been preying on folks in one of the safe injection sites in that community. We are seeing this over and over again, and I could not, in good conscience, support something that led to this woman's death. I wish I could talk more about this. I have a lot to say. However, we on the Conservative side support something like Bruce Oake Recovery Centre, which takes the treatment option and really focuses on a holistic approach to—
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  • Sep/16/24 8:02:20 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I welcome my hon. colleague back to this chamber as another young mom in this place. It is so wonderful to see people being able to find that space of both having a family and doing this job, and doing it so well. One of the pieces that the member alluded to in her speech was with regard to first nations communities that are sick and tired of the lack of support they are receiving as drugs come into their communities. We are talking about isolated, remote communities that are pleading with the government that is failing them. The Liberal drug policies have failed over and over again. In fact, just over a year ago, first nations in my riding of Fort McMurray—Cold Lake were part of the call for the government to change and basically calling for this to stop. I am wondering if the member could comment on her thoughts regarding the drugs coming into some of these communities and how we could do better to support those communities.
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  • Sep/16/24 8:04:44 p.m.
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Yes, she is a friend of the member, Madam Speaker. She stated, “We're seeing a significant rise in violence and illegal activities by people coming from outside our region and preying upon those experiencing crisis who are desperate for some relief.” The article continued, “People are scared because drug dealers are shooting at each other, and they're doing it right in broad daylight when kids are around.” Following this story, again last fall, another article stated, “In February, Northern Alberta's Mikisew Cree First Nation announced an all-out crackdown on drug dealing and production in the community, including authorizing the Wood Buffalo RCMP to conduct searches of any homes carrying 'reasonable and probable grounds of suspected illegal drug activity.'” There has also been drug banishment or drug—
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