
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 336

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
September 16, 2024 11:00AM
  • Sep/16/24 2:17:23 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, taxes are up. Costs are up. Crimes are up. Time is up. Over the summer I spoke to thousands of Canadians. I heard heartbreaking stories of how they are hurting after nine years of the NDP-Liberals. It was two years ago that the sellout and cowardly leader of the NDP signed on to a costly coalition with the Liberal Prime Minister. A couple of weeks ago, he tried to convince people that he had a spine, and with much bravado, he tore up the agreement. However, following his media stunt, he refuses to state whether the NDP will vote to force a carbon tax election. The sellout NDP leader did not get the bump in the polls he was hoping for, I guess, and even went on to suggest that after voting for the carbon tax 24 times, he has somehow found the light and now will oppose it, but with a caveat and with details to come after he qualifies for his pension. Canadians need a carbon tax election now to decide between a costly coalition of the NDP-Liberals or common-sense Conservatives who will axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget and stop the crime.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:18:34 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, recently Manitobans were shocked and saddened by the sudden passing of Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs' Grand Chief Cathy Merrick. Grand Chief Merrick was more than a leader; she was a beacon of strength, wisdom and compassion. Her dedication to the AMC was not merely a role she undertook but also a calling she embraced with unwavering commitment. Her leadership was characterized by a deep understanding of the challenges faced by first nations people and a relentless pursuit of justice and equality. Her impacts extend beyond her professional achievements. Grand Chief Cathy Merrick was a loving daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt, cousin, grandmother, a supportive friend and a trusted mentor to many. Her legacy will live on through the lives she touched and the progress she championed. As we reflect on her life, let us remember her resilience in the face of adversity, her tireless work on behalf of first nations people and her unwavering commitment to building a better future. Her contributions have paved the way for many, and her spirit will continue to inspire us as we move forward on the journey towards truth and reconciliation.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:20:24 p.m.
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I have the honour to inform the House that the Clerk of the House has received from the Chief Electoral Officer a certificate of the election and return of Mr. Stewart, member for the electoral district of Toronto—St. Paul's.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:22:45 p.m.
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Let the hon. member take his seat.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:22:57 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, for nine years, the “Liberal Bloc” has taxed food, inflated the price of food, doubled the cost of housing and doubled the national debt, all with the full support of the Bloc Québécois, which voted to keep this party and this government in power more than 200 times. Now, the government wants to raise taxes again. Is it not high time that Canadians had the opportunity to pick a new, common-sense government that will axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget and stop the crime?
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  • Sep/16/24 2:23:38 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, if the Leader of the Opposition had spent any time at all talking to Canadians this summer, he would have heard that Canadians want solutions to the challenges that they and their families are facing. They want to know how we are going to fight climate change and how we are going to position Canada in the economy of the future. The Leader of the Opposition only cares about his own interests, not the interests of Canadians. That is why, on this side of the House, we will continue to work with all parliamentarians who are willing, so we can deliver for Canadians and build a stronger economy for everyone.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:24:21 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Quebeckers are seeing the biggest expansion of the federal government in the history of the country. This is a costly, centralizing government that has the full support of the Bloc Québécois, which has voted nearly 200 times for $500 billion in inflationary, centralizing, bureaucratic spending. Quebeckers deserve a common-sense government that will axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget and stop the crime now.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:25:00 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, when we announced a major investment in Telesat to create good jobs in Quebec, jobs that will have a positive impact on connectivity and national security across the country and around the world, the Conservatives' response was to call their friend Elon Musk to say that these jobs should not be sent to Canada and that the money should be given to American billionaires instead. The Conservatives' view on investments that will create jobs is completely ridiculous. We will be there to invest in Quebeckers for the future.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:25:44 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, after nine years of the NDP-Liberals, taxes are up. Costs are up. Crimes are up. Time is up. Now he wants a 300% carbon tax hike all the way up to 61¢ a litre. Why not let Canadians choose a common-sense Conservative government that will axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget and stop the crime now?
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  • Sep/16/24 2:26:13 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, if the Leader of the Opposition had spent any time listening to Canadians over the summer, he would have heard that they need solutions. They need answers to the challenges they are facing. That is not what he is offering. Indeed, he does not care about Canadians; he just cares about himself and his own political interests. We are going to keep focused on doing the things that he refuses to do, whether it is him voting against dental care, whether it is him voting against child care, or whether it is him voting against a national school food program. We are going to still deliver the things that matter to Canadians, like food in kids' bellies, child care spaces, and supports for seniors to go to the dentist, many of them for the first time in years.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:26:57 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, children are hungrier than ever after nine years of the NDP-Liberals. In fact, 25% of them are not getting enough food, and we now know why. A carbon tax fraud has been perpetrated by the NDP-Liberal Prime Minister, who kept secret Environment Canada documents that showed that the carbon tax was blowing a $25-billion hole in our economy. Our economy, per capita, is smaller today than it was 10 years ago, during which time the American economy has grown by 19%. Instead of a reckless plan to hike the tax to 61¢ a litre, why not allow Canadians to vote to axe the tax?
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  • Sep/16/24 2:27:39 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, here is a news flash for the Conservative leader: Climate change costs money. What would cost the most money to Canadians at all is his do-nothing climate plan. Here is a news flash: When the Toronto subway gets flooded, it costs money. Here is another news flash: when forest fires hit communities across this country, it costs Canadians money to rebuild. When droughts hit farmers and agriculturers across this country, it costs money. What does not cost money is putting money in eight out of 10 of Canadians' pockets with the Canada carbon rebate to support their families and fight climate change.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:28:25 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister just proved my point. His tax does not stop floods, fires or droughts. All it does is create more poverty. This is also from a high-flying, high-taxing, high-carbon hypocrite, who flew 92,000 kilometres in a fuel-guzzling, tax-funded private jet, while he taxes single moms and seniors for heating their homes. Now carbon tax Carney wants him to put the tax back on home heating oil. Will he reject carbon tax Carney and instead allow Canadians to choose to axe the tax?
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  • Sep/16/24 2:29:08 p.m.
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I want to remind all members, and to do so early, to be very mindful of the language they use when referring to other members in the House. The right Hon. Prime Minister.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:29:20 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Conservative leader does not believe in climate change and that is why he has a do-nothing plan to fight climate change. It would cost Canadians money and challenge the future we are building for our kids. Our plan with the Canada carbon rebate puts more dollars in the pockets of eight out of 10 Canadians right across the country, and supports the middle class and people working hard to join it, while delivering the kinds of investments that are going to grow our economy and reduce emissions at the same time. This is a responsible climate plan that fights climate change and supports Canadians. He wants to do nothing. He wants to hurt Canadians.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:30:03 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I would like to begin by welcoming back of all my colleagues. Today is by-election day in LaSalle—Émard—Verdun, and I would like the Prime Minister to explain to retirees between the ages of 65 and 74 in that riding why their pension cheques are 10% lower than those of retirees aged 75 and up. This is blatant discrimination, and they have the right to understand why this is happening.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:30:42 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as we have said before, seniors aged 75 and up have more expenses and often have less savings. That is why we are providing additional funding for them. However, I am a bit confused about something. The Bloc Québécois claims to care about seniors aged 65 and up, but they voted against the dental care we are providing Canadians. A total of 650,000 Canadian seniors across the country have recently received dental care paid for by the federal government, but the Bloc voted against that. They do not give a damn about seniors.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:31:23 p.m.
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Once again, I would ask members to raise their language to a level more befitting this Parliament. The hon. member for Beloeil—Chambly.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:31:39 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister is easily confused. He just trampled on a jurisdiction exclusive to Quebec. On Friday, he also said that Quebec anglophones were not entitled to the same health care services in English as francophones receive. That is not true. I am therefore specifically asking him, as the law requires, to acknowledge that he misled anglophones in Montreal, Quebec and LaSalle—Émard—Verdun when he said that they are not entitled to the same health care services in English as francophones.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:32:20 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Bloc Québécois claims to speak for the Government of Quebec but does not seem to acknowledge that the Government of Quebec admitted that it was going to issue an order to clarify and explain that it did not intend to attack anglophones. We are still awaiting that explanation. However, if the Government of Quebec could acknowledge it, maybe the Bloc Québécois could do likewise. Seniors 65 and over who received dental care could not care less about their area of responsibility. They want the dental care that Quebec was not providing. The federal government is there to pay for seniors and help them get dental care. The Bloc Québécois voted against it.
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