
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 336

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
September 16, 2024 11:00AM
  • Sep/16/24 2:41:21 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we have two sources saying that the view of some senior officials within the PMO, including chief of staff Katie Telford, is that the phantom finance minister has been ineffective in selling the government's economic policies. It is curious, because we have a fake feminist Prime Minister who says he is all for women. Taxes are up, costs are up, the economy is in the toilet and this carbon tax Mark Carney is now going to quadruple the carbon tax on all home heating across Canada. Why is the phantom finance minister okay with being publicly humiliated by the fake feminist Prime Minister?
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  • Sep/16/24 2:42:07 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the only people being humiliated today are Conservative MPs who have to listen to their colleagues wallow in the mud of personal character assassination. However, what we are focused on is representing and working for Canadians. That is why the real news today is 30-year mortgage amortizations for all first-time homebuyers. That is the real news.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:42:47 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it is not that Conservative saying that. It is the Prime Minister's chief of staff, Katie Telford, for the record. I guess the question is before the phantom finance minister. She simply has two choices. Is she going to join the graveyard of Liberal female ministers under the fake feminist Prime Minister, like Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott, or will she continue to be publicly humiliated?
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  • Sep/16/24 2:43:23 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, what we are seeing today is the Conservatives running away from the reality about the Canadian economy. They are running away from the fact that inflation has been in the Bank of Canada's target range for seven months in a row. They are running away from interest rates that are down three times in a row for the first time in the G7 and wages outpacing inflation for 18 months. The only thing the Conservatives know how to do is traffic in cheap insults. Canadians are a lot better than that.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:44:04 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, these days there is a lot of talk about elections. Some people are doing with all sorts of calculations. For the Bloc Québécois it is simple: We put our trust in Quebeckers, not the Liberals, not the Conservatives, but Quebeckers. Quebeckers tell us that they are worried about the cost of living and living conditions for seniors. That is why our priority is to increase old age security for people aged 65 to 74. They are being unfairly discriminated against and it needs to stop. It is as simple as that. Will the government listen to this simple request from Quebeckers?
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  • Sep/16/24 2:44:46 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the next time the Bloc Québécois supports seniors, that will be the first time in the history of this Parliament. Let us look at the facts. When we restored the age of retirement to 65, how did the Bloc Québécois vote? It voted against. When we increased the guaranteed income supplement, helping hundreds of thousands of seniors in Quebec, the Bloc Québécois voted against. When we brought in dental care for millions of seniors, the Bloc Québécois voted against. It is high time that they stood up for our seniors.
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Mr. Speaker, the Bloc Québécois's demand is simple: We want the House to pass our Bill C-319, which would increase the old age security pension for seniors aged 64 to 74 by 10%. It is so simple and it makes so much sense that all of the parties supported our bill in committee. All that is missing is the will of the government. Since all the parties agree that we should increase the old age security pension by 10% for seniors aged 65 to 74, will the government do the right thing and give royal recommendation to Bill C-319?
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  • Sep/16/24 2:46:06 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I would like to welcome back the Bloc Québécois, which supports seniors, just as our government's actions do. Look at what we have done. We implemented the grocery rebate, increased the guaranteed income supplement and brought in many other measures, including dental care, which is being offered to people across Quebec this year, including those in my colleague's riding, even though she voted against it. We are there for seniors.
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Mr. Speaker, I went all over Quebec again this summer to talk about Bill C-319. Everyone agrees that it is unfair that seniors aged 74 and under receive 10% less than other seniors. Everyone except the Liberals agrees that grocery bills do not discriminate based on age. That is why this is a key issue for the Bloc Québécois. Quebeckers understand the problem. Quebeckers understand what we are doing. Will the Liberals finally understand this as well and give royal recommendation to Bill C-319?
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  • Sep/16/24 2:47:23 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, what the Bloc Québécois does not seem to understand is that actions do matter. Votes in the House matter. They voted against dental care, and Quebec seniors noticed. They voted against lowering the retirement age to 65. Quebeckers are paying attention. The Liberal Party of Canada is always there to support the federal pensions of Quebeckers. The Bloc Québécois has never demonstrated that it is there to protect Canadians' pensions in Quebec or elsewhere.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:48:16 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the “Liberal Bloc” voted for the largest expansion of the federal government in history. There is more spending than ever. There are more civil servants than ever. There are more financial scandals than ever. All this is being done with Quebeckers' money. How did the Prime Minister manage to convince the Bloc Québécois to support the costliest and most centralizing government in Canadian history?
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  • Sep/16/24 2:48:43 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, our government is proudly progressive. Our government is proud of our climate action. Our government is proud of our support for day care and early childhood centres. Our government is proud of our support for families. We know that the people of Quebec share our progressive values. That is why we followed Quebec's lead on day care and the climate. We are proud to have done that.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:49:23 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the “Liberal Bloc” says it stands up for the interests of Quebeckers. Is it in the interest of Quebeckers to support the most costly government in the history of Canada? Is it in the interest of Quebeckers to increase their taxes to reinforce the federal state that keeps encroaching on Quebec's jurisdictions? It is clear that the “Liberal Bloc” does nothing but stand up for the interests of the Prime Minister. What did the Prime Minister offer the leader of the “Liberal Bloc” to get him to agree to support all his centralist spending?
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  • Sep/16/24 2:49:56 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I look at the Conservatives across the way and I see that they have no shame in claiming that they want to work toward prosperity, when all they manage to do is build a road to austerity. Canadians know that the only thing the Conservatives can do is chop, chop, chop. They cut investments in small craft harbours. They cut investments in science. They cut investments in families, in child care services and in dental care. That is the way to build a road to austerity. That is the Conservatives.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:50:39 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, one coalition seems to have ended, but another remains: the “Liberal Bloc” coalition, which is responsible for $500 billion in inflationary and centralized spending. Under this coalition, the public service has grown, with more than 100,000 new public servants. It is the most costly government in history. Despite this, wait times and service standards have never been worse. The people and my staff in Beauce have to wait for hours to get answers. What did the Prime Minister promise the leader of the Bloc Québécois to keep the most expensive and centralist government in the history of this country in power?
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  • Sep/16/24 2:51:17 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, this summer, I had the opportunity and pleasure to invite my Quebec Liberal caucus colleagues to my riding, Brome—Missisquoi. I gave them a little tour of all the budget cuts made by the Conservatives when they were in power. I took them to the experimental farm in Frelighsburg. The Conservatives do not believe in science and they cut spending on agricultural science. I also took them to a cultural centre that we built because all the Conservatives did was cut spending on arts and culture. Quebeckers remember that all the Conservatives can do are cutbacks and austerity. We do not want that in Quebec.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:52:00 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, because of Liberal inaction, people in Nanaimo—Ladysmith are being forced to cut back on groceries to keep up with rising prices. Meanwhile, the Conservatives continue to pad their pockets with donations from the same CEOs who are gouging Canadians. Over the summer, people shared with me that they are exhausted and not able to make ends meet. Why are the Liberals taking a page out of the Conservative playbook and putting corporate greed ahead of everyday people?
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  • Sep/16/24 2:52:37 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it is a shame that the NDP's recent hard right turn has taken them down the wrong path. It is too bad that they have caved to Conservative pressure. We worked collaboratively for many months to introduce numerous rounds of changes to Canada's competition laws. These are significant signs of progress that would amount to better prices and more options for Canadians and include more powers to the Competition Bureau to crack down on anti-competitive behaviour. Those changes would make a real difference in Canada's economy.
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  • Sep/16/24 2:53:19 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the poorest seniors are receiving hundreds of dollars less every year because Liberal policies created another GIS clawback. This summer, I heard from seniors and their loved ones. They are drowning. Conservatives cut pensions and increased the retirement age, and the Liberals are punishing the poorest seniors. Canadians never win with Liberals or Conservatives. When will the clawbacks end?
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  • Sep/16/24 2:53:50 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as the member well knows, not only do GIS, CPP and OAS go up, but they now also go up quarterly. In fact, there are no clawbacks. The member knows full well that we have actually expanded the amount of money a senior on GIS might make before any money is clawed back. We have expanded that substantially. The member should know that.
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