
Decentralized Democracy

Hon. Justin Trudeau

  • Member of Parliament
  • Liberal
  • Papineau
  • Quebec
  • Voting Attendance: 52%
  • Expenses Last Quarter: $150,883.83

  • Government Page
  • Sep/18/24 3:05:58 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, like so many of his plans, his plan consists entirely of slogans and personal attacks on me, on mayors and on Canadians who are working to get things done. We are investing. We are in partnership with municipalities to change zoning laws, to invest in public lands and to support non-profits to build more units. I was just in Vancouver meeting with the extraordinary folks of the Vancouver Chinatown Foundation who are delivering a unit that a young woman can now live in and afford because of investments this federal government has delivered. We are going to be there for Canadians, while the Leader of the Opposition is there for himself.
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  • Sep/18/24 2:44:47 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the problem with the Leader of the Opposition is that he believes in slogans; he just does not believe in climate change. The fact is, our plan to fight climate change is not just putting more money in the pockets of eight out of 10 Canadians across the country, but is bringing down emissions and creating jobs and opportunity for Canadians for generations to come. His climate change denialism, his do-nothing plan to fight climate change, is going to hurt Canadians. We are going to continue to build a strong economy for the future because we know that fighting climate change is part of it.
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  • Sep/18/24 2:39:21 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, unfortunately, the NDP is taking a page out of the Conservative playbook and choosing slogans rather than doing the hard work that will actually help Canadians. We have delivered some of the most comprehensive reforms to the Competition Act in order to hold big grocers accountable for the work that they are doing in terms of delivering for Canadians. We have also moved forward on a national school food program that is putting more food in the bellies of 400,000 kids across the country as provinces come on board, and it is going to save parents up to $800 on their grocery bills. These are tangible things that we are busy delivering while the Conservatives are playing politics.
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  • Sep/18/24 2:31:53 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we point out the performance of the Leader of the Opposition, and his colleagues get all upset because they know that he does not actually care about Canadians. He does not care about the programs we are delivering. He does not care about stepping up to support Canadians. He is actually in a bad mood because inflation has come down to 2% and it ruins his little “Justinflation” slogan. He is so upset because he cares about his own interests and not the interests of Canadians. We are going to stay focused on the things that matter for people while he spins little rhymes and tosses out his slogans. We will take this seriously, as we always have.
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  • Sep/18/24 2:31:30 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, that little performance shows just how much the Leader of the Opposition loves his slogans but does not actually put forward any— Some hon. members: Oh, oh!
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  • Sep/18/24 2:28:42 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, once again, we are seeing that the Conservative leader is great on slogans and believes in slogans, but he does not believe in Canadians and Quebeckers. He does not want to invest to help people get dental care. He does not want to be there to help seniors and young people. He is there to cut programs. He is there to fight against climate action and against putting money into the pockets of Canadians who need it. He has nothing to offer. He is obsessed with his own thirst for power. We are obsessed with Quebeckers and Canadians and what we can do for them.
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  • Jun/19/24 3:15:34 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Conservatives over this past session have stood in this House to stand against dental care for seniors. They have stood in this House to stand against expanding child care investments in spaces. They have stood in this House to stand against the kinds of investments that are helping Canadians with diabetes and helping Canadians afford birth control. These are the choices that they are making. They are filled with slogans and bumper stickers that do not solve problems, but amplify anger, while we are focused on supporting Canadians. Canadians can make their choice about the kind of country they want to live in.
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  • Jun/19/24 3:12:29 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Conservative leader continues to use cheap attacks and slogans while he tries to hide from the fact that he is standing with the wealthiest Canadians and against the idea of their paying a little more so that young Canadians can buy a home, so that seniors can get their teeth fixed, so that young families can find a place in child care. These are the investments we are making that the Conservatives are standing against. We will continue to deliver for Canadians who need them, while the Conservative leader chooses to protect the interests of his wealthy friends.
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  • Feb/28/24 3:10:48 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, while the Conservative leader continues to figure out catchy slogans and buzzwords, we are rolling up our sleeves to deliver for Canadians with more housing, dental care, supports for seniors, supports for young families and fighting against climate change while putting more money in their pockets. We are doing the hard work of delivering for Canadians while he proposes nothing but cuts to programs, austerity and catchy slogans. We need a continued, responsible approach to government, and that is exactly what we are delivering.
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  • Feb/28/24 2:59:05 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, slogans and buzzwords do not get housing built; constructive deals with municipalities and provinces do. We see time and time again that Conservatives have nothing to propose but cuts, conditions and fights with municipalities, fights with community organizations, crossing their arms and tossing insults at people, instead of actually proposing a real plan. We are busy working on delivering hundreds of thousands of new homes over the coming years. This is the work that needs to get done. The Conservative leader just needs to get out of the way.
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  • Jan/31/24 2:24:19 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, this is a serious situation. Canadians are concerned about this, and the Conservative leader just chooses to whip out his empty slogans and continue to blame everyone while we are getting to work. We are pulling together stakeholders and leaders from across governments to look at what more we can do. We have seen successes. CBSA agents intercepted over 1,600 stolen cars last year, in 2023, but there is more to do. We are going to continue to do the steady work and to make investments necessary to keep Canadians safe and to keep crime down.
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  • Jan/31/24 2:21:41 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the former Conservative government made cuts to programs to protect civilians and prevent auto theft by cutting funding for police and ports. We were there to invest, to do more to keep Canadians safe and to protect them from becoming victims of crime. We will continue our work and our investments. We will work with partners and take action. The Conservative leader is presenting slogans and easy solutions that do not really solve anything. We will do the necessary work.
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  • Jan/29/24 2:23:57 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Conservative leader is resorting to personal insults to derail the debate on housing and prevent people from recognizing that he has no plan. Canadians know that shouting slogans does not build housing. The leader tried unsuccessfully to delay removing the GST from rental construction and he voted against the housing accelerator fund, which is contributing to the construction of over half a million new homes. We have made a great deal of progress and we will continue to do so.
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  • Nov/29/23 3:16:00 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, training up an already world-class Canadian workforce in more innovative and highly specialized machinery is good for the thousands of long-term, quality jobs that Canadians are gaining with these investments. It is obvious that the Conservative leader is yet again looking for a slogan to justify his ideological opposition to investing in Canadians' futures. His crusade against facts shows us once again that he will do anything to advance his own personal political interests, even if that means ignoring the likes of Unifor and other unions and ripping up Canadian jobs.
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  • Sep/18/23 2:34:01 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we will focus on delivering real results while the leader opposite is focused on empty slogans and picking fights. In fact, when he was in charge of housing, he bungled projects like the Toronto Line 1 extension, which to this day has no housing near a number of its stations. In contrast, we are actually linking public transit dollars to apartments and housing density, and we are doing so without the Conservative plan to restrict access to abortion, to deny the impact of climate change and to put more assault weapons on our streets.
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  • Oct/5/22 2:28:38 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Leader of the Opposition does not seem to understand that clever slogans do not help families. Investments in Canadians help families and cheques help families. That is why we were so pleased when he reversed his earlier opposition to our GST tax credit and is now supporting that direct support for Canadian families. Why will he now not move forward and support our investments to support low-income families with rent and low-income families with dental costs for their kids? Will he support rental and dental for low-income Canadians?
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  • Apr/6/22 2:57:50 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, over the past number of years we have continued to be there for rural Canadians, whether it is through investments in agriculture, whether it is support for small communities; whether it is reaching out to resource communities to prepare for the future. We will continue to stand by Canadians from coast to coast to coast. We will not simply fall back on slogans and easy solutions like the Conservatives do. We will work hand in hand with rural Canadians and indeed people from coast to coast to coast to build the kind of future we know everyone deserves to offer their kids and their grandkids.
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